How to Find High Paying Keywords

image When I show off this post: increasing adsense using competitive ads filter on one of blog community, a member ask me how could he finds High Paying Keywords related to his topic. Well, it was my fault that i didn't tell everyone how to find high paying keywords before i post something about increasing their adsense earnings. But don't worry guys, this time i will tell you how to find High Paying Keywords. And this tutorial about Finding High Paying Keywords tells you how to do that free of charge. No need to waste your money now, sit down and read through this tutorial. Let's go!

Straight to point. I will try to tell you the step by step about how to find high paying keywords using Keywords Tool External (Free service offered by Google). This step is pretty easy and the best thing is: IT's FREE!

  1. Once you see a page like this one:
  2. Answer the question: How would you like to generate keyword ideas? with giving a check point to Descriptive words or phrases.
  3. Beside it, you'll see an empty text box; type your keyword on that box. i.e:adsense.
  4. If you have sure about the keyword you wanna know, click the 'Get Keyword Ideas' button below the text box.
  5. Oh, before you click that button, you need to type the captcha characters to prevent spamming. :)
  6. Well, a list of keywords has appeared, but your job has not completely done, you need to determine how much the CPC (cost per click) of your keywords would gonna be. Thus, on the 'Choose column to display' drop box, pull it down and select show estimated CPC .
  7. Last but not least, on the Calculate estimates using a different maximum CPC bid section, you have to select US dollars currency and type 5 on the text box next to US dollars currency.
  8. Click Recalculate
  9. Voila! You'll be able to determine which ones is high paying keywords or which ones is low paying keywords.
  10. Enjoy this stuff!

Increase AdSense Earnings (Competitive Ad Filter)

image My previous post is talking about how to increase your AdSense Earnings using a method that force you to show as few as possible Ads Block on your page. This time i will share you another trick to increase your AdSense Earnings without increasing the number of your visitors. How come? Well, i'm talking about using Competitive Ad Filter .

Do you ever wonder why you get low clicks on your ads sometimes? Maybe you get 10 clicks but it only costs about 1-1.5 dollar. Or even, you just got one click in your day and it cost only 1 CENT. Personally I was the one with this trouble. But it was a history. After I use this Competitive Ad Filter, i feel more comfortable with my earnings on my AdSense.

Basically, there are two factors (or more) that get you low clicks:

  1. Low Paying Keywords
  2. Ads Published by MFA (Made For Adsense) sites

And i'm going to explain the second factor since most people have yet known this idea. First off, What is Made For Adsense sites? Well, MFA site is a site that publish their ads on adsense but they offer low amount of dollars because they have AdSense Ads on their sites too. This kind of ads will only cost you about 1-10 cents per click. And it sucks!!

So, the question is, how to get rid this of?

Actually there is a manual way of doing this: check Adsense Ads that are showed on your page one by one. And then if the ads point to website which have no AdSense ads or other kind of ads, it is a high amount ads, otherwise if the ads point to website which have Adsense ads it is low amount ads you have to block out using competitive ad filter. But this way is tedious and violating Google TOS (Terms of Service). And that's not what i'm going to suggest to you. I'm talking about Adsblacklist.

The steps is easy. Go to Adsblacklist , sign up, type your URL and your keywords and click generate. And then  you will see that there are numbers of sites that you have to block out using Adsense competitive ad filter. Go to your Adsense account, click on Adsense Setup, then click competitive ad filter, copy paste the websites you get from Adsblaclist list. And all you have to do is waiting for google blocks those sites for you. And of course, wait for your Adsense earnings increase...

I hope this trick is important, and don't just read it, give it a try and feel free to share your experience here. Good Luck! =) Happy AdSense!


Less AdSense Ads = More Money

image Less AdSense Ads = More Money. Have u ever heard this theory guys? If you don't you better read through this posting. Recently, i found a theory that by having less AdSense Ads Blocks on your blog/web it will get you more revenue per click. This is not a joke or some kind of crap, but this is a proved theory. So you have to read through this posting to know how to do this simple but clever trick.

Before i explained you all about how the tricks works and how to apply the trick. You should know what factors affecting your AdSense earning. There are some major factor which affect your earning, such as : high paying keyword,CPC(Cost Per Click), and also your keyword density on your posting. If you really want to increase your AdSense earning, the first thing you have to do is choose the high paying keyword that relevant to your topic. Secondly, spread those keyword properly on your posting so Google script can put some high paying ads on your page. But, somehow some people facing some difficulties on determining what the suitable high paying keyword for them. Sometimes they have found the high paying keyword but it doesn't match with their topic, otherwise, they have found the keyword match for their topic, but it has low CPC or Cost Per Click. And if you fed up with these things, now you can learn and instantly try this trick.

::. Less AdSense Ads means More Money

Do you believe the sentence above? If you don't either ask some pro bloggers or try by yourself. I told you that this is not a line of crap, this is real fact in AdSense. I tried to remove my link units, and just focus on my 336×280 AdBlocks. And you know what? my earning increase significantly! And maybe you wonder how it can be happen. Well this is the simple explanation:

The theory is that sites bid for their ads to be placed on contextually relevant web sites with the highest bidders getting the best adsense spots (the higher the better). If you only show 4 ads in 1 block, then adsense will place the highest 4 bidding advertisers in those spaces netting you the highest profit. The more ads you show, the more lower-bidding advertisers show up on your page that when those get clicked, your cpc becomes lower than it could be if they weren’t on your page to begin with.
taken from

You see??

::. My Suggestions

For the better result, you should also use the high paying keyword related to your topic. After that try to spread out those keyword cleverly through your posting. Try this idea by yourself and you will see the result. Good Luck!

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