Adding Meta Tags (SEO Part II)

image Mytheory try to find what topic about SEO i want to share with my loyal readers this time. And I got this topic: Adding Meta tags great for your SEO. Yup, we will discuss this topic this time as a part of SEO series which i give to you to help increasing visitors to your blog. I realize that many blogger have already known how exactly adding meta tags. But, i still want to share my knowledge to help newbie blogger. Besides, i will not only tell you the procedure about how to add meta tags to your blog, but i will also reveal the most frequent mistake found when choosing meta tags. So let's go to the case!

::. Introduction

In summary SEO consist of 3 major points :

  1. Title (including meta tags)
  2. Backlinks
  3. Keywords (including meta tags)

You see that meta tags are playing very important role. What is meta tags? Well, meta tags are collection of information which is exist inside HTML code of your blog. The use of meta tags is helping search engine to know what is your blog or web telling about. So, if you have a correct and accurate meta tags stick in your blog you are in way of achieving higher rank on Search Engine Result Position. And it's really good for your traffic!

::. Adding meta tags

  1. First of all, go to
    it helps you compiling HTML code for your meta tags.
  2. Fill the title box with your blog title; example: All computer tips, or Electronic blog
  3. Type your blog description in Description box, and fill the keywords box with your blog keywords.
  4. Click "Create Meta Tags"
  5. Sign in to your blog account. Go to dashboard menu,go to layout and select EditHTML menu.
  6. Copy the meta tags HTML code you have made before and paste it below <title></title> tag
  7. Don't forget to add / (slash) before the last character of each row of your meta tags code. So it should look like this:
  8. Click "Save Template"

::. Give attention !!

There are certain things you should consider when you try to create meta tags:

  1. Title
    When creating your blog title, it should not look like this:
    > Welcome to my blog! or
    > How to make money online and how to get rich in 30 days
    The first title is completely horrible, because it doesn't reflect what the content of your blog
    The second title contains too many characters although it contains many keywords, but we should try the short ones like this:
    > Make money online | Get rich shortly
    title above is the perfect one.
  2. Keywords
    Try as best as possible when you are creating your keywords for your blog. Choose good keywords which reflect the main content of your blog. Once you found the best keywords, sometimes you have to spread the keywords on your posting as i have explained in past posting. If you have not read yet, you can read it here.
  3. Description
    Describe what is your blog telling about. Describe as well as possible to search engine what is the content of your blog.
  4. Consistent!!!
    Once you have added meta tags to your blog, you have to be consistent with those tags. Don't ever think to change it unless your tags is still new. Changing meta tags could make the search engines spiders confused with your page, and it's not good for your blog. So keep consistent!

P.S : don't forget to re-add your meta tags when you change your blog template. The procedure is just the same.

So, i think it's enough for this topic. I hope you are learning something new and usefull from this article. Thanks....

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My Adsense PIN has come !!

image Thank God! , after my long wait finally i received Personal Identification Number(PIN) mail by Google. Yea, i wait it come for a long time, about 3 weeks actually. Well, maybe some of you don't know what is it. Adsense PIN is the identification number which is mailed to you when your Adsense balance reached at least 10 dollars. So, when your Adsense balance has reached 10 dollars amount, you should receive PIN from Google within 2-3 weeks. After receive adsense pin, you have to enter that pin to your payment history on your adsense account.

setelah sensor amplop But,i'm not happy enough when receive that pin. Why? because, recently my adsense earning seems to be lazy to increase rapidly. yea, everyday i just got 1 cent or 3 cents, or even i got nothing :( (is this the effect of global-economy- crisis? hahaha)

hmmm.. i think this is adsense! we need to work hard and focused to get all thingswell done. And i hope one day, i could earn 500 dollars per month like my friend did... Hahaha just wishing... =)

Wish Me luck brothers and sisters!!!

And good luck for you, Adsense Publisher!!!

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Backlink Generator - build your quality backlinks

image As mytheory told you in previous time, quality backlink is the essence of SEO a.k.a Search Engine Optimization. Quality backlinks is the key factor to reach high traffic to your blog/website. So, it's not weird if you see particular blogger become success because of their agility to find or build their quality backlinks point at their blog. But, on the other hand, there are some bloggers who don't have a great enthusiasm or maybe enough time to work that hard (it's may be you =)). And maybe you are wondering what's the solution for them? I got it! Backlink Generator is the answer. Help you to build your quality backlinks, save your time building and searching quality backlinks from now. Try this stuff!

::. Screenshot  image

::. How it Works?




         Backlink Generator has a simple interface for novice until advance users. I have no doubt that a novice blogger can use this stuff. It's pretty easy! First thing to do is that you have to fill the User Information data on User Information tab, and save it. If you have done so, try to search dofollow blog you want to stick quality backlink on it by putting some keywords you want to search, and then press start search, you can find many dofollow blog you can stick your backlink on it.  image




The other feature of Backlink Generator is that you can set the PR of the blog you are going to search. For example, if you want to search dofollow blog that have PR (Page Rank) more than 1 ; you can do it by using preferences on Search Results tab.

Are you interested? download it now here.

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How to Get Good Backlinks (part of SEO series)

image I've told you before on ezpctips that good quality backlinks is the essence of SEO (Seach Engine Optimation). Good quality backlinks is very useful for your blog to be able to reach the first page (or even the 1st) of certain search engine result page or commonly as known as SERP. But the problem frequently found is that we are unable to get the real good quality baclinks. And that perhaps become the answer for "why does my blog have low traffic?" ; "why  my blog cannot be indexed by Search Engine?" or " why my PR is zero?"or blah-blah-blah...

Refer to those question hanging around. This time mytheory will reveal how we can get good quality backlinks. So keep reading to this article.

::. What backlinks exactly are?

Well,before i tell you the steps to get good quality backlinks,it's better if i explain what backlinks are. Backlinks are links on other blog/website pointing at your blog/website. There are two types of Backlinks:

    1. One-way-backlinks;means links on other website pointing at your blog,but there is no link on your blog pointing at that website(one-sided).
    2. Two-way-backlinks;means links on other website/blogs pointing at your blog,but there is link on your blog pointing at that website(reciprocal).

And maybe you wonder what is the best of both? is it one-way-backlinks or even two-way-backlinks?. And if you ask me that question, i will answer: One-way-backlink is the best,although it's difficult to get.

::. How to get Good backlinks ?

So,if we have already know what is the definition of backlinks itself. Now,we go to the main chapter of this topic: How to Get Good backlinks:

    1. Make real good content
      This is the hardest thing on blogging. I also realized that we cannot make good content at least one a day. And frankly to say, until this time i write this article, i still looking for the solution for this problem(make real good content). But there is a good side for you. Good content is not limited. Just simple choose what you are expert at,and then make story or article like this on your blog. If you write it carefully,you can achieve this step. I remind you,that make a good content is not just copy pasting from other blog,but you have to make original content as best as you could make.
    2. Doing Trackback
      If you can't do the step number one well, you can breath easily now. Trackback is way easier than make real good content at least one a day. Just simply make a posting that have a link(s) to other blog page, which have huge of visitors, i emphasize it: HUGE visitors. So that search engine can't spider your link,and if the blog your link pointing at turn on their trackback,there you got your quality backlink without even asking for them. The other benefit of doing trackback to huge visitor blog is that perhaps you can get visitor from them. =)
    3. Comment on other blog
      Many of you maybe have know this before, by commenting on other blog we can get quality backlink. How come? well,it's simple. When you leave comment on someone's blog, put your name on the Name box (your blogger name) and type your blog URL on the URL box, publish it and you just stick your backlink on that page.
      But you should notice that you can't easily write comment on any blog you like. Just put your comment on blog which have the same topic or niche with you blog. Why? because if you comment to blog that have different topic with yours frequently,your rank on search engine will be hurt.Believe me guys,i've felt it before :(
    4. Link Exchange
      This phrase is not strange for you. Link exchange is rather easy and quick to do. Just tell the blog owner that we want to link exchange with them,but before we should have put their links on our blog,and they may put our link on their blog then.
    5. Participate in Forums
      Find forums related to your blog topic on internet. Join on that forum,and every time you release a post on that forum,stick your signature below your posting (your signature also contain your blog URL). So,you also get the quality backlinks from them.

I think those 5 steps above is the main thing you should consider when you try to get good quality backlinks. This article is a part of SEO series i provide for you who want to increase blog traffic. The other part of SEO series will be added soon. Thanks.

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