How to Decrease your blog's Bounce Rate

reduce,decrease,bounce rate Maybe some of you don't know what is Bounce Rate. In short, bounce rate is Total number of visitor who only viewing one page divided by total number of whole visitors. The higher bounce rate  of your blog it can be interpreted that your blog doesn't have something that attract your visitors to stay long on your blog to read your other post. They only visit to read one of your page, and then Go. This is bad, really bad if you have high percentage of bounce rate. Generally, bounce rate above 35% is normal, but above 60% is some kind of problem. Don't let your visitor come to only read one page, make them explore your blog deeper!

Reduce your blog's bounce rate

The first thing you have to do is to set up your analytics account to see your exact bounce rate. Then if you get more than 60% of bounce rate percentage, you should reduce or decrease your blog's bounce rate. And maybe you wonder why we should reduce or decrease our blog's bounce rate? Some SEO experts think that blogs which have high bounce rate is outranked by those websites with lower bounce rate. The logic is simple, search engine like Google want to provide the user with reliable content, and informative article. And blog which have these kind of content is just blog which has low bounce rate: people will not only visit to read one post, but explore the other page because they satisfied with what that blog provide. Make sense huh? In other words, bounce rate can affect your SERP too! Watch out guys! so you can fix this by following my instruction:

  1. Make your layout as clean as possible and also easy navigation.
    This is very fundamental in the blogging world. Clean template is important, people will leave blog which has untidy template (ads everywhere, widgets all over the space). And also, make your blog easy to navigate, provide search function, previous/older post link.
  2. Interlinking within post and install related article plug-in
    Interlinking within post is great too!  once they clicked it, it counted as double page views and it will decrease your bounce rate. The other thing you have consider is related article/post plug-in, for you WP users, you can easily search reliable related post plug-in out there. But for blogspot users, you have to smart on select which plug in is the most suitable, because not all working fine (i have experienced this).
  3. Quality Content
    Once again Content is a king! provide your visitor with your original idea, not something crappy from other blog/websites. Make them satisfied with what they are looking for.

Those are 3 basic steps to decrease your blog's bounce rate. Bounce rate is a very important aspect of web-traffic analysis, that's why google consider it as a gauge to measure your blog's relevant. Make your visitors explore what you really have!

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InternetHow Blog said...

Very useful advice. I think many people so busy about getting visitors to their site, they usually forget how to kep those visitors on their site.

ILHAM said...

this is good article....
thanks for all tips that you write in this article. this is very help me... thanks.......
I think we must make our visitor isn't bored in our blog and always make them visit our blog....

David said...

I agree in creating quality content will decrease bounce rate. Your post is very helpful.

Andy said...

thanks i'd been wondering what this was about for a while now!

Extreme John said...

Very nicely done, this will be getting tucked into my Sunday Smash for today. Thank you.

mytheory said...

@Extreme John:
really? wow, that sounds great..
Thanks John for reading my post! :)

Chandan said...

Thank you for this information. I also noticed that if I put lots of image on my blog, my blog bounce rate increase.

Herborium HBRM Stock Pick said...

A proper navigation can reduce your site's bounce rate. Good post.

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